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Workshops & training for digital transformation

MES Audit Workshop for Legacy Systems

Has your current MES system become too inflexible and can no longer be developed further with your own resources due to the many autonomously grown structures? Are you also unable to benefit from the advantages of cloud technology due to outdated existing systems? Then the MES audit workshop is just right for you.

Regardless of whether you have problems with maintenance because you are currently working with countless in-house developments in the various production areas that only a few employees are familiar with. Or whether your system has weak points in terms of cybersecurity and you are struggling with expandability and upgradability.

We help you to create cross-departmental transparency about your legacy system, identify gaps and risks and show you initial fields of action for the transition to a robust standard system.

The workshop is conducted by experienced consultants. We draw on our many years of MES experience and tried-and-tested methods to solve your specific issues.

Target group

Responsible persons from the areas or roles: Production IT, production applications, MES, production processes, automation.

Nachhaltige Produktion

Whitepaper: MES Legacy System

Read more in the free whitepaper about:

What is a Legacy System?

Problems of outdated existing systems

Solution approaches

MES Audit Workshop for Legacy Systems

Workshop data sheet

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Chris Leinemann

Chris Leinemann
Customer Solution Advisor

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